
Raw anger and rage,
blood bubbles then boils.
Red heated flushed face,
emotions recoil.
Headaches vibrate,
tears moisten dry soil.
Take mark center stage,
composure soon broils.

One strong simple phrase
shoots straight to the sun.
Both arms become rays,
hot words a shotgun.
Remember past days,
trigger so minds run.
Peace swims far away,
anxiety stuns.

Angels then embrace,
provide a restart.
Soft kiss to the face,
mends a sorrowed heart.
Veins flow with pure grace,
all tensions depart.
A warm untouched space,
offers a new start.

Clear calmness inside
rocks soul to full ease.
Pure patience provides,
freedom like the breeze.
Clarity soon guides,
provides solid keys.
Watch as fury slides,
so blurred eyes could see.

– Grace Y. Estevez – Reddy

Moonwashed Weekly Challenge #146 – June 6, 2023
Prompt – Untouched

56 thoughts on “Enraged

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  1. Grace, I don’t comment everyday, although I click like daily. I hope you know in your heart what a brilliant writer you are. This poem today was raw and powerful and elegant simultaneously and I loved it. Especially the last stanza.

  2. Beauiful expressions of contrasts in life from the undesirable to a more peaceful existence. Briliant writing, Grace.

  3. Lots of raw power in this piece, Grace! “hot words a shotgun” really stands out….they certainly both can create some damage! Love how you tamed the fire 💞💞💞

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