
Last night I dreamed,
we shared a view.
Lavender scene,
with light pink hues.

The sky was bright,
flowers danced free,
garden of light,
colorful glee.

Visions I had,
felt strong and true.
My heart felt glad,
to be with you.

Dream of us both,
views feel supreme.
Scenes of great hope,
hues blush then gleam.

Bright purple paint,
free up above.
Light gumdrop stains,
glee filled with love.

Had smiles of gold,
true ones for sure.
Glad our mind holds,
you and me pure.

– Grace Y. Estevez – Reddy

Written for # Eugi’s Weekly Prompt July 19, 2022

Earth’s Breath

Inhales pollution,
tries to exhale peace,
dreams of solutions,
to provide great ease.

Soothes stressful pressures,
encaged deep inside.
Envisions treasures,
her hopes could provide.

Bright lavender dreams,
reside in her eyes.
An essence that gleams,
perfumes the vast sky.

Smoke covers the ground,
clouds dance in the air.
A joy so profound,
purple love affair.

Above and below,
meet right in between.
Soft mystical flow,
a magical scene.

Our beautiful world,
needs to be preserved,
allow love to swirl,
so she is conserved.

– Grace Y. Estevez – Reddy

Written for #Eugi’sWeekly Prompt –Earths Breath July 12, 2022

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